BCon offers optimized solutions
- Tailored solutions to client’s individual circumstances
Search by Purpose/Theme
Strengthen Organizational Capabilities
- Strengthening collaboration
- Post M&A: Cultures integration
- Enhancing inter-departmental cooperation
- Understanding the current status
- Organizational Effectiveness Survey
- Starting a new business
- New business development program
- Strategy planning
- Implementing MDCVS
- Formulating mid-term management plans
- Future Project: Vision for developing next-generation leaders
- Business improvement and reform
- Consultation on business reform
Implement Sustainable Management
- Understanding sustainability
- SusationOnline - Platform for sustainable management -
- What is Sustainable Management ?
- Realizing Sustainable Management
- Supporting sustainable vision initiatives
- Sustainable vision workshop
- Sustainable strategy program
Implement Compliance
- Overview of compliance implementation
- Overview of solutions for compliance implementation
- Understanding the current status
- Compliance implementation Survey
- Proactive Assessment of organizational environment and risks
- Comprehensive compliance assessment
Develop & Manage HR System
- HR strategy to successfully execute organizational strategy
- Human Resources Strategy
- HR system development
- Securing & maintaining HR system development
- Developing a training system
- Developing a career system
- HR system management
- Supporting career development
- Improve monitoring of objective management and evaluation process
Promote Diversity
- Promoting women in the workforce
- Female manager training program
- Career support program for female employees in managerial roles
Revitalizing Workplace
- Positive approach: Workplace Revitalization Program
- FISH program!
- FISH! Culture (Establishing the FISH! philosophy)
Upgrade Sales capabilities
- Strengthening the sales team
- Overview of sales management program
- Building a sales team that consistently achieves target
We create optimized solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.
Let's see how we can help you.