Message from CEO
Enriching people, organizations and society As a co-creation partner to realize well-being management

Thank you for your continued support.
Having organization development and human resource development as the main pillars of the business, our firm has been supporting innovation in companies and organizations for the past 58 years since our establishment. We have been working on various organizational change, group revitalization, and human resource development as our focus. We believe that our mission is to be a partner in co-creating a sustainable future as well as developing our clients’ organizations and businesses.
From our experience to date, we can say that it is the “power of the organization” and the “power of the people” that will bring about the innovations that will create a sustainable future. We are convinced that innovation can only be sustained by enhancing the well-being and unleashing the inherent potential of people and organizations.
Well-being is a state in which people feel positive emotions and meaning in their lives, have something to devote themselves to, have people they can trust, and feel a sense of significance and accomplishment. We define “Well-being management” as a management that aims to make this possible, thereby increasing the capacity of the organization and making it economically successful.
We have come a long way from the days when a company only had to make a certain amount of profit and give back to its employees, shareholders, and stakeholders in a reasonable manner to an era in which companies are required to recognize their responsibility for environmental and social issues and to have a meaning of existence (purpose) to solve them, as symbolized by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations. In addition, the changes in the environment triggered by COVID-19, such as the introduction of telework and digitalization, are forcing people to drastically change the way they work.
In addition, the concept of human resource management is being reconsidered in order to improve corporate value. Human resources are no longer to be managed as resources, but to be regarded as human capital, and it is now essential to implement strategies with a story to create sustainable value by investing in them.
In such an environment, business leaders are required to shift their perspective to not only financial soundness but also to create an organization that actively enhances the well-being of its workers and allows them to demonstrate their creativity.
While striving to achieve this kind of well-being management ourselves, we aim to become a partner in co-creating well-being management by utilizing our expertise in transforming people and organizations, which we have cultivated, and the latest theories.
We look forward to your continued support and guidance.
President and CEO
Shohei Omura